Bloggin' Time...

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ooh, the very first post of a brand new blog!

I created this blog as a presence in the wide world of sewing/costume/historical garb on the internet. I follow so many blogs of this sort and I figured it was about time I had my own.

What do I do? Well, I'm about to be a senior in high school and I've always loved costume. I sew clothes for myself and I adore fashion history. Currently I haven't made any full-size historical costumes but I adore making miniatures. Right now I'm working on a 1/4 scale renaissance corset and a 1/4 scale 1770's polonaise, both based on Janet Arnold books. This fall I'll be making parts of a full size renaissance costume for some customers for their dance performances.

Maybe I should've put all that in my about me. Oh well.

This blog may not have too many pictures because of the orneriness of my computer. But we'll see.



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