The Stays

Friday, October 21, 2011

Actually, I've finished the stays. !!! I knowww!!!! But I haven't taken any pictures of them and I haven't posted these in-progress pics yet so I thought I would. Hopefully I can take some really awesome (read: not iPhone) pictures of them soon.

Here's the front:


And the side. My face was rather derpy so I cropped it.


And the best one of the lot, the back:


Gotta love that spiral lacing. Even if it's a little wonky in these pictures.
I will totally post a real, detailed post about this, I promise.

In other news, I was the lead in Cinderella of Loreland at my school, for which I made this:


It's a goodwill skirt with a bajillion patches added. It was like, freehand patchwork. Took forever. But it was very effective. Obviously that's not the top I wore. Hopefully, more on Cinderella later, too. I also made my ballgown!

-Madame Taylor


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